Apps & Software

How Payroll Software Benefits the HR Team

As its name suggests, payroll software assists the human resource department in calculating employees’ wages based on the number of hours they worked. It eliminates manual computation, thus resulting in a more manageable and efficient payroll cycle.

With this system, HR professionals who specifically deal with compensation and benefits can slacken a bit. Such a tool helps them manage the business’s accounting and payroll on a single platform.

Curious how this is made possible? Read on to find out how this payroll solution simplifies the laborious HR tasks.

Payroll Software Benefits for HR Team

1. Direct Deposit Paycheck

Most companies process payroll every two weeks, while others do it weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, or monthly. While the process varies from company to company, there’s only one goal: send payments to employees on time.

Paychecks are easy to lose; they can get misplaced, stolen, or even damaged. Encashing paper checks don’t happen in an instant. Employees may also be unable to cash them on holidays and weekends.

With payroll software, manual issuance of payments is taken out of the picture. The system transfers funds from a business bank account to employees’ direct deposit accounts so that they can access funds right away.

2. Automated Tax Computations

Tax withholdings are another integral part of payroll processing. Companies must withhold each employee’s share of federal and state income taxes from payroll.

However, one of the most important parts in the life of employees is paystub. Pay stubs are known to be the pay statement, which tells an employee about his or her pay for a pay period or some time interval. Paystubs usually have information regarding taxes, deduction and net pay etc. 

Using paystub creator employees can manage their cash flows correctly. Because paystub creates an invoice, which contains information about pay for some period of time and pay date on it. This pay stub is needed by employees to pay bills, pay rent etc. So employees can manage their cash flows correctly through paystub.

Through payroll software, designated HR staff will no longer waste time and energy on doing tax computations by hand again. This program will do all the necessary calculations for them—the automated way.

3. Time and Attendance Monitoring

There are two factors to be considered when processing payroll: the number of hours worked and deductions. If payroll is processed manually, the time spent on processing employees’ wages will take longer.

The human resource department should verify the hours worked against the time card data, and determine the deductions such as benefits, taxes, and insurance that need to be taken out of the pay period.

But if payroll software is in place, these crucial steps in payroll processing can happen in a few days or hours. Most payroll system providers have designed this paperless tool to have time and attendance tracking features.

Such features include clocking options, mobile access, and notifications. Employees can clock in and out through various options: time clocks, web browsers, and mobile apps.

In this way, the HR team is empowered to collect and analyze data on employees’ working hours conveniently.

Switch to Payroll Software Today

If business owners spend copious amounts of money on training people and maintaining operations, then they shouldn’t have second thoughts about investing in a payroll system.

Through this tool, the human resource unit can manage payroll information on a single digital platform, have more control of the payroll cycle, and process employees’ wages in a less complicated manner.