What is

What is Hybrid Cloud? Advantages and Disadvantages

A hybrid cloud is a computing environment that combines a public cloud and a private cloud by allowing data and applications to be shared between them. 

The private cloud is a set of servers dedicated to a single company. It transfers and backs up the data and software of various kinds. Private cloud servers are either installed directly within the company or outsourced.

The public cloud is a network of servers that are shared by several customers of one supplier. It is necessarily off-site since public servers are hosted on the supplier’s data center.

The hybrid cloud is, therefore, the combination of these two clouds: private cloud and public cloud. More and more companies are migrating to hybrid cloud. A study by Nutanix reports that 91% of IT managers believe that the hybrid cloud is the ideal solution to get benefits from both private and public clouds.

Forrester Research, a firm specializing in market studies on the impact of technologies, provides an interesting definition of what the hybrid cloud is: an activity that consists of connecting one or more public clouds to a private cloud.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud:

Why do so many companies choose to rely on a hybrid cloud solution? Because of the different advantages in terms of flexibility, high reactivity, control of internal costs, and data security.

  • Flexibility: The hybrid cloud makes it possible to transfer data between a private cloud and a public cloud on-demand, according to the need.
  • Thanks to a hybrid cloud, the company can exploit resources from the public cloud when its need exceeds the resources available from its private cloud.
  • The hybrid cloud thus brings a lot of flexibility, elasticity, but also reactivity. 
  • Responsiveness: It allows you to have real-time access.
  • The public cloud is inherently more advantageous in terms of cost. The majority of public cloud providers only charge for the resources used.
  • Finally, securing data is an extreme point in the hybrid cloud.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud:

  • The hybrid cloud is intended for VSEs and individual SMEs whose IT budget is limited. 
  • The costs of setting up and maintaining a private cloud is too high. Small businesses cannot bear them. In this case, they only use a public cloud.
  • Technical knowledge is needed to manage the Hybrid Cloud.

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