
How Can You Use Technology To Become A Better Nurse?

Nurse Using Technology

In this fast-paced world, one can’t even imagine functioning without technology. Technology has innovated the healthcare industry and opened new possibilities for improving patient care.

RNs can explore different ways to use technology to improve their practice. From streamlining the workflow to accessing critical info at one’s fingertips – utilizing technology can make you an efficient nurse. Here’s how you can improve your work as a nurse with the help of technology:

How Nurses Can Use Technology

1. Wearable devices

Smart wearables with advanced healthcare features help track a patient’s vitals, such as sleep patterns, respiration, and heart rate. The data collected by these devices helps nurses monitor patients’ health remotely through apps.

The most interesting aspect of smart wearables in healthcare is how they remove the margin of error in health-related decisions. With data-driven decision-making, nurses become more efficient. 

2. Distance learning

Continued learning has become necessary in nearly every profession, and nursing isn’t an exception. A decade ago, the health industry focused on making BSN the minimum requirement for RNs by 2020.

However, as the nursing sector continues to evolve, higher education in the form of MSN degrees and post-MSN certificates has become more important.

Distance learning healthcare is becoming more popular, and RNs can easily enroll in a post masters NP certificate online program and complete it without disrupting their work-life balance. This Ed-Tech trend will play a crucial part in overcoming problems related to understaffing and skills in nursing.

3. Predictive analytics

Imagine a technology allowing nurses to determine if a patient needs an MRI or a blood test. Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can predict health outcomes by analyzing patient data and suggesting proactive interventions.

Moreover, AI can prescribe medical tests and meds, making patient care faster and more accurate. These AI-facilitated interventions help nurses make faster decisions and offer efficient caregiving to patients. 

Some revolutionary benefits of predictive analytics involve preventing readmissions, boosting patient engagement, predicting suicide attempts, and other auto healthcare interventions.

4. Remote monitoring

Monitoring patients isn’t a problem anymore for RNs because of the remote monitoring tools available to them.

Devices such as pulse oximeters and heart monitors help nurses ensure a patient’s well-being remotely. These gadgets share the patient’s real-time data with nurses and keep them posted about the patient’s vitals. 

Similarly, smart beds have served as an extraordinary technological convenience in the healthcare sector. A smart bed ensures patient safety, comfort, and clinical efficiency. It prevents patients from falling over when a nurse is not looking and assists patients with mobility issues.

5. Risk assessment

Statistics indicate that as many as 187 alarms for one bed go off each day, most of which are false alarms. When nurses experience too many false alarms every day, they become desensitized to these sounds and start neglecting a patient who genuinely needs help.

Thanks to AI, the number of false alarms can be decreased significantly. Without excessive false alarms, RNs can attend to their patients effectively. Some apps help decrease the notifications received by nurses by up to 99%.

6. Electronic records

Traditional paper-filing methods are dissipating in favor of a more technologically advanced option, i.e., electronic health records (EHRs). With more than 95% of hospitals using EHRs, this technology makes RNs more productive.

EHRs ensure patient information is easily accessible while streamlining the documentation process. EHRs make collaboration easier among nurses and provide them with data-driven insights into a patient’s well-being. 

Instead of rummaging through paper records, nurses can easily find important information via electronic health records.

7. Drawing blood

With 1 in 4 adults suffering from a phobia of needles, drawing blood for medical reasons can be a bit difficult for nurses. Besides the pain and fear associated with it, finding the right vein takes some time.

All of this merely adds to the patient’s discomfort at the hospital. However, technology has a miraculous solution for this problem, i.e., bot-assisted phlebotomy.

A decade ago, a technology called Veebot came into existence; it used image-analysis software to find a suitable vein and ultrasound to ensure it has enough blood flow. It makes venipuncture a lot easier by autonomously drawing blood and decreasing human error.

8. Telehealth solutions

The terms “telehealth” and “telemedicine” became mainstream during the pandemic, but these two technological breakthroughs were already making positive disruptions in the healthcare sector. Data shows that telehealth saves patients 100 minutes of their time compared to in-person doctor visits.

Telehealth allows patients to receive necessary caregiving without physically interacting with the hospital staff. This technology prevents infections, and patients can easily book an appointment with nurse practitioners.

9. Patient education

Thanks to technological solutions, RNs can easily explain any type of complex medical process to their patients. With 3D printing, nurses can create organ models for educational purposes. Similarly, virtual reality helps nurses train themselves and practice on simulated human organs.

It’s been observed that VR-trained nurses are as proficient as mannequin-trained nurses. Virtual reality contributes to a nurse’s education, helping them become better at caring for patients.

Moreover, videos, animations, and infographics simplify complex medical concepts. Gamification and similar tools make patient education an engaging and enjoyable experience. Mobile applications make it easier for patients to manage their diseases and adhere to their drugs successfully.


If you want to enhance your nursing practice, becoming more tech-savvy is important. You can navigate the different technological solutions mentioned in this article to become a better nurse.

Technology helps you pursue advanced education remotely, monitor your health from a distance, and keep critical information accessible online. Don’t forget to strike a balance between the human touch and technological advancements.

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