
Your Guide to Finding a Reliable Business Partner

Having a business partner helps with the load, but what of it? Someone who says they’re up for the job just doesn’t cut it, unless they’re proven effective both as a partner and an entrepreneur. How can we know, then?

Finding a partner can be quite a bit of extra hard work, but it’s worth the sweat once you’ve found the right one. Not only does this make work easier for you, having your ideal business partner can surely put your business up the chain.

Tips to Find the Best Business Partner

1. Friends and Family

Sounds obvious, does it? Oftentimes though, the answer might be the one in front of you already. Question is, do they have what it takes to deal with you and the business at hand?

Never dismiss the potential of having someone you already know from head to toe. Some entrepreneurs are admittedly stubborn for not considering having a friend or family first, only to realize it’s what they’ve needed all this time.

Take the time to engage in meaningful conversations with your loved ones – it’s important to shortlist a bunch before doing so, just so you already have a list to work with.

If you still feel like a friend or family is still not cut for the challenge, consider their recommendations. And from these recommendations, try shortlisting another couple of people and see where your conversations go. 

2. Colleagues

This should work especially when you’ve been with them for quite some time. Again, make a list of people you think you’ll be comfortable working with.

You and your partner’s goals should align, and you both have to be creative and passionate about the business for it to work. It’s important that neither of you feels that the other is doing less work – hence, the level of commitment should go unquestioned in both parties. 

It helps to do background checks as well. Try asking around your workplace and have your colleagues talk about how they feel around your prospect. Get as much information as possible, as you can’t be going blind on a partner that can potentially dictate the future of your business.

3. Join a Class/Training Related to Your Business

That’s right, join a class. Not because you are doubtful in your capability to run the business you’ve chosen, but because of the environment. People with the same interest in your business as you are going to be in that class, and there goes another list.

It’s still necessary to do background checks to know more about the people you’ll be talking to. It’s better to have no partner at all than have a partner with different goals than you, so don’t rush it.

4. Go Online

Join Job-Posting Groups on Facebook, and Look for Other Social Media Sites to Place Your Offer. Facebook is still one place to go, out of many. Go out there and post about you finding a potential partner for your business. Include requirements and brief them through the post if necessary. 


It doesn’t take any more than a few legwork to find the best business partner you could ever ask for. Don’t forget that despite not having a partner yet, you’d still have to practice proper etiquette in the meeting, business-wise. This ensures you will be able to find the business partner you’ve always been looking for.

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