Artificial Intelligence

How Machine Learning Is Reshaping the Future of Email Marketing

Do you know 61% of marketers consider machine learning the most critical aspect of their data strategy?

So, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that machine learning has surely led to the unprecedented development of email marketing. After all, it has the ability to boost business productivity by up to 40%.

Moreover, the credibility of machine learning is so high that it helped Netflix save $1 billion by providing better search results and giving personalized recommendations to its customer base.

So, if you haven’t already incorporated machine learning into your email marketing strategy, it’s high time you do it. 

How Machine Learning is helping Email Marketing? 

The emergence of machine learning has made email marketing easier. From complex tasks like email verification to targeting and scheduling, it can help you do it all seamlessly. Here’s how it can reshape your email marketing campaign.

1) Works towards Predictive Personalization

Machine learning gives you the ability to analyze your customer’s behaviour. This, in turn, gives you deep insights into your customer’s preferences, thereby helping you create tailored email for each one of them.

With personalized emails having higher open rates and CTRs, machine learning can help you send relevant and engaging content to your subscribers.

From keeping a check on the customer’s browsing history to analyzing their on-site activity, machine learning does it all seamlessly while delivering a real-time and hyper-personalized recommendation for each individual customer.

See how Suiteness does it like a pro in its business email template by analyzing the past travel history of the subscriber and enticing them with an offer to travel again.

Source: Really Good Emails

In addition, you can make use of algorithms to personalize the content of your future emails while assuring that it will resonate with the subscriber who receives it.

2) Facilitates Smart Segmentation

Machine learning can segment your subscriber base in a smart way. From precise details about your customer base to their specific behavioural signals, machine learning can do it all.

This, in turn, helps you in segmenting your customer base into clear and relevant groups, thereby making your email campaign top-notch.

Here’s how GasBuddy makes use of intelligent segmentation in its email template to analyze the behavioural pattern of the consumer while sending them a personalized monthly driving scorecard.

Source: Really Good Emails

3) Optimizes Subject Line and Email Copy 

By analyzing the history of your email campaign, machine learning can make your email copy, subject line and CTAs more appealing while driving specific actions.

It does so with the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP). With a consistent brand tone language, machine learning incorporated emails appear as the one written by humans.

Further, HTML email developers can also use machine learning to create content that’s more than just being spectacular.

It makes use of algorithms to analyze keywords, trending topics, schematics, and conversations to get hold of the content that’s highly engaging. Simply put, it gives marketers an overview of the content which is more popular and effective. 

4) Customizes Email Promotions

You can use machine learning to offer special promotions to your subscribers through custom email templates.

It wouldn’t only entice the customers to stay subscribed to your list but also increase your sales.

Simply put, machine learning can help you determine the optimal offer for each subscriber based on their shopping behaviour and interaction, thereby helping you accelerate your profits.

For instance, if one customer takes action on a discount of 10%, you will be reducing your potential revenue by offering them a 40% discount.

However, if there’s another customer who won’t go ahead with anything less, you can offer them a higher discount to increase your chances of making a sale. 

5) Helps Determine Send Time and Email Frequency 

Every subscriber is different and so is their preferred time to read emails. So, it becomes imperative to know at which time a subscriber is going to open an email.

You can do so by using predictive analysis through machine learning. It helps you send automated emails on the basis of past email interactions and behavior.

This will help you send them emails at the exact time when your recipients will open their inbox.

Moreover, the frequency of email can also be determined on the basis of engagement history. As a result, you will be able to send more emails to interested subscribers and avoid sending emails to unengaged subscribers.

6) Promotes Multivariate and A/B Testing

Multivariate and A/B testing are critical for email marketing. Machine learning can make your A/B testing faster and better while making it robust enough to recognize developments and make estimates instantly.

Remember, marketing today is all about hyper-targeting. This makes deriving conclusions through permutations and combinations difficult with the help of traditional A/B testing.

However, with machine learning, you can make extensive use of data and improve the power of testing. This helps marketers to understand which campaign has a better probability of high performance. 

7) Analyzes Analytics 

Apart from helping you optimize your email campaigns, machine learning makes use of the generated data for broader analyses.

It takes into account the behavioral pattern of customers to predict the potential churn. Further, it also works upon value upgrading through cross-selling and upselling while working on referrals and retaining existing customers. 

Here’s how the London North Eastern Railway makes good use of cart abandonment email by leveraging the customer’s journey search and enticing them to travel.

Source: Really Good Emails

Wrap up

30% of companies are already using machine learning in one of their processes. Moreover, 87% of AI adopters are considering leveraging machine learning for improving their sales forecasting and email marketing. These statistics make it quite clear – machine learning is here to stay

All in all, by leveraging machine learning-induced email marketing campaigns, you can improve the overall effectiveness of your email campaign.

So, if you wish to have a competitive edge over others, take some cues from the points mentioned above and get going with your machine learning strategy. It will surely prove to be a worthwhile investment for your brand.

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1 comment

Raman Sama September 11, 2020 at 6:07 am

Thanks a lot Kevin this will help me a lot in my work for sure.


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