
Maximizing the Influence of Your Event


As someone who organizes events, you’re deeply committed to ensuring its success. You’ve meticulously planned your event marketing strategies and their integration. But, how can you amplify the influence of your event?

The overall influence of an event is a sum of these quantifiable elements:

  • Reach: The magnitude of your audience, encompassing both attendees and online followers.
  • Promotion: Media and blog mentions, along with social media engagement.
  • Impact: The enduring impression of your event on attendees, like lead generation, conversions, and feedback.

By concentrating your efforts effectively, you can optimize these elements. While the specific steps you take will vary based on your event, the following strategies can steer your approach.

Leverage Live Video Streaming for Enhanced Reach

Live streaming can showcase your entire event or its significant moments online, inviting a global audience to join virtually. This is particularly enticing for those who can’t attend due to time or location barriers.

Persuade your streaming viewers to attend your next event and prompt them to subscribe to your newsletters or event notifications. Some popular live streaming platforms include UStream, Livestream, Periscope, and Twitch.

YouTube Live, with its support for 360-degree live streams, is especially noteworthy for those with an existing YouTube channel. It is worth highlighting the streaming tool, which allows you to stream 24/7 from pre-recorded videos.

Facebook Live is another significant player in the live streaming arena. Regardless of your chosen platform, most provide options for private or public streams, aligning with your event’s requirements.

Boost Your Event’s Influence with Social Media Promotion

Social media is pivotal in magnifying your event’s influence. Approximately 40% of businesses utilize social media for event marketing. Here are some foundational strategies:

  • Facebook Event Creation: Utilize Facebook’s event feature to generate excitement and promote your event.
  • Unique Hashtags: A catchy and relevant hashtag can enhance visibility and foster sharing.
  • Encourage Sharing: Simplify the sharing process for attendees with pre-made tweets, check-ins, and referral emails.
  • Visual Content: Engage your audience with captivating photos and videos from your event.
  • Post-Event Engagement: After the event, share highlights and maintain the momentum.

Turn Attendees into Active Participants

Elevate attendee engagement to amplify your event’s influence. Consider these strategies:

  • Interactive Communication: Encourage discussions and peer interactions, reducing reliance on one-way communication from the stage.
  • Revamp Presentations: Make presentations more immersive and interactive with videos, interviews, and workshops.
  • Introduce Facilitators: Use event apps, moderators, and gamification to transform attendees into active participants.

Glean Insights from Your Event to Augment Influence

The impact of your event on your audience provides valuable feedback. Here are some pointers:

  • Analyze Competitors: Differentiate your event and learn from competitors.
  • Pre-Event Testing: Test and refine your messaging and incentives.
  • Stay in the News: Leverage trending topics to keep your event in the spotlight.
  • Gather Feedback: Understand the needs of your repeat attendees.
  • Promote Speakers and Attendees: Recognize those who amplify your event’s reach.
  • Engage Sponsors: Understand how sponsors and exhibitors contribute.
  • Email Marketing: Use email campaigns to boost registrations and maintain engagement post-event.

By taking these additional measures, you can significantly amplify the influence of your event. With tools like Meetmaps, you can foster genuine attendee engagement, ensuring a lasting impact.

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